Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dr. Gates' Arrest: They Can Drop the Charges But Not The Truth

Unbelievable! I'm sure by this time everyone has heard about the arrest of Dr. Gates, one of the top scholars in the nation, arrested in his own home for disorderly conduct after being accused of "breaking into his house". The charges were dropped, however the truth still remains my friends...Racism is not dead. Discrimination is not dead. I don't care how many Presidents break historical odds. The fact of the matter is that incidents like this occur all 
the time. We are living in an era where under the surface many people still look at others who are different than them and make the conscious decision to hate them. These decisions are evident when you witness people who refuse to allow children to swim in a recreational pool after arriving or people who still follow individuals around stores, or treat certain people as if they are illiterate because of the color of their skin. And this is in no way, shape, or form RIGHT! A renowned scholar, was not arrested for being mistaken by neighbors as a robber....because point blank, PEOPLE KNOW WHO THEIR NEIGHBORS ARE, maybe not name but face, especially the face of Henry Louis Gates Jr.! But was instead arrested, mistreated, embarrassed, and made a fool of because of the color of his skin...Never given a second glance into the content of his character.
Wake Up World!
Diana G.

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