Sunday, July 26, 2009

!?!? "You're Too Pretty To Be Single" !?!?

What’s going on fellas? I’m a nice intelligent young woman who guys approach, and I am always faced with the question “WHY ARE YOU SINGLE?” Now instead of my singleness being a strike of luck, guys question me and have the nerve to say things like “you’re too pretty to be single.” Now I appreciate the compliment but pardon me if I missed the YOU’RE CUTE HERE’S A BOYFRIEND LINE, but I didn’t think being attractive warranted any serious commitments. For crying out loud beautiful women all over the world are single, so what’s this about!?!? I have always felt strange when guys ask me why I’m single, as if I’m doing something to repel all the great men away from me. Maybe they just assume that some guy would have snatched you off the market since you’re nice looking, but get this, attractive women can have…Goals…Brains…and…Standards. I’m not trying to say I’m one of those picky uppity women who lie and say “I don’t need a man...BECAUSE I’M NOTI just believe in getting to know the person before going steady LOL. I also believe in focusing on the truly important things in life and allowing that special man to come along without looking for him. I just think some tips need to be provided for the fellas looking for a special lady, so here they are:
Guys Here Are Some Quick Tips:

1. There is no such thing as you’re too pretty to be single.
2. I’m single because of the obvious…I haven’t found that special person.
3. A good woman isn’t jumping in and out of relationships for fun.
4. Being single is okay…It means you’re taking time to GET TO KNOW YOURSELF!
5. Most people don’t like wasting time and emotions on people who are not worth it…hence relationships give a lot, so the person has to be of quality.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dr. Gates' Arrest: They Can Drop the Charges But Not The Truth

Unbelievable! I'm sure by this time everyone has heard about the arrest of Dr. Gates, one of the top scholars in the nation, arrested in his own home for disorderly conduct after being accused of "breaking into his house". The charges were dropped, however the truth still remains my friends...Racism is not dead. Discrimination is not dead. I don't care how many Presidents break historical odds. The fact of the matter is that incidents like this occur all 
the time. We are living in an era where under the surface many people still look at others who are different than them and make the conscious decision to hate them. These decisions are evident when you witness people who refuse to allow children to swim in a recreational pool after arriving or people who still follow individuals around stores, or treat certain people as if they are illiterate because of the color of their skin. And this is in no way, shape, or form RIGHT! A renowned scholar, was not arrested for being mistaken by neighbors as a robber....because point blank, PEOPLE KNOW WHO THEIR NEIGHBORS ARE, maybe not name but face, especially the face of Henry Louis Gates Jr.! But was instead arrested, mistreated, embarrassed, and made a fool of because of the color of his skin...Never given a second glance into the content of his character.
Wake Up World!
Diana G.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Daily Inspiration: Your Time Is Now!

I woke up this morning feeling great, like I could do anything, like the sun was shining just to make me feel alive! I wanted to make sure that I spoke to you all to spread this excitement! If you’re having a stressful morning, relax, and let it go. Today is a beautiful day, and a day for you to shine your brightest in everything!

While many of us are constantly thinking of our dreams and futures, I wanted to share a quote with you:

“There is no better time than now. The time to LIVE is now.
The time to DREAM is now. The time to IMAGINE and FORGET the PAST is now.
The time to SHINE is now. The time to BLEED, SWEAT, and DETERMINE yourself for the things you want most is NOW.”

I hope this gives you enough zest to begin making moves today! Today is a day like no other. Today we can take charge of our futures, one step at a time, to accomplish our goals. Have you thought of your next move in life, what is going to get you to your ultimate goal? What is it that you’ve been putting off, today is the day to get it done. What is it that you want to do…whatever it is, make today the day you begin! Have a great day everyone!
Diana G.

Daily Inspiration: Believe

Believe In Yourself, You Have the Power To Do All Things!

Daily Inspiration: Take The First Step

Here’s a quote that I wanted to share with all of you for today’s inspirational message:

Martin Luther King Jr. once said; “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

One thing we must remember while we are making the moves that will mold our future careers, is that everything may not always be right before our eyes. Sometimes you have to audaciously step out into unknown soil to find what you are looking for. Many of you, I’m sure, have great things that you want to do, whether it’s being on Broadway one day or being the CEO of (your own/a) fortune 500 company. I know that if you have faith, you can do it. I believe in you guys so believe in yourself, and follow Martin’s words and Take The First Step!

Daily Inspiration: Individualism

Today my quote will be about your individualism. While it is easy to be quiet and perpetuate the mundane cycle of day to day living, life is too short!! We don’t have time to be seen but not heard, we don’t have time to be mediocre, we don’t have time to not go after our dreams, we don’t have time to waste time. The beauty of us accelerating ourselves and making moves is that we have the power to simultaneously affect someone else’s life and challenge others to achieve.

Nelson Mandela once said
“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same”.

On this day, let your light shine! I promise someone somewhere will notice, you never know who’s watching you! You have the power to change the world just by making the small decision to shine! Have a great day!

Daily Inspiration

Each day we must begin to focus on who we are and who we want to become.
Today and continuously take time out to
strive to know who you are more and more.
Discover what things you like, what makes you unique,
what you want in life…overall spend time getting to know yourself!
I started emailing some of my co-workers a Morning Inspiration every day and since they seem to enjoy it, I decided to add some of them to my blog.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sweet Dreams Video...Mostly A Nightmare

I am not hating, I'm really really really not, but Beyonce (who I love) did not have a success in the latest video for her single "Sweet Dreams." My first initial thought was, "this is going to be good," but yet again the Beyonce Knowles group skimps on money and gives us some studio digitally enhanced graphic techno image mess. In the world of creativity what is going on! I mean I adore the song "Sweet Dreams," it's absolutely beautiful, but the video in no way reflects the songs tone. What did I just watch, and you can see exactly what I mean if you visit the link:
It began okay, there was sleeping and then we were supposed to be transported into this BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE within Beyonce's mind but I think they took the term beautiful nightmare way to literal. It just looked cheap for no reason, the back up dancers need to stop at least for one video LOL, and I just didn't get some of the dancing????!?!?! 
...But you know what, the video was a success because while I hated most of it, I loved Beyonce's look, so I guess it was kind of a beautiful nightmare video kind of thing LOL. No but seriously we can go anywhere in the world and we dance in a studio to make a music video. Dear Beyonce, let me help you out with your video concepts because you are dwindling the spark that is also known as the Beyonce experience! I really didn't want to have to do this blog on this, especially since the last blog I did on Beyonce but you know some things just need to be talked about it. These celebrities don't think we notice their little sneaky tricks, it's a recession but Beyonce you are doing fine! Can we the people at least get a good pricey video, your beautiful but these stunts will only hurt your career. You can do better, I know you can.
-Diana G.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy July 4th! Rules to Follow = )

Happy July 4th to everyone out there, remember to be safe and have a great time!

Rules to follow for the 4th
1. Have a Great Time
2. Don't think about work
3. Indulge in all the bbq you can eat!
4. Catch up with some family and see some fireworks!
5. Dance the 4th Away!
6. Be Safe
7. Repeat Number 1
Diana G.

Friday, July 3, 2009

MJ's Famous Glove Will Be Auctioned In October!!

In October, Michael Jackson's famous right handed white crystal beaded glove will be auctioned. The opening bid will begin at $60,000!! The Glove was the exact one worn during MJ's Victory Tour in the 80's. If you've got the cash you could purchase this expensive artifact of history!
My Pocket Forecast:I won't be bidding lol!

The Text Commandements: Do's & Dont's

As an addition to my public stance on the need for text messaging limitations I have created a list of do’s and dont's to further stress my concern and to introduce a voice of reason within the textmania that surrounds us:

• Text a person you like a sweet message every now and then to show your thinking about them.
• Act like yourself and say what you would say, don’t become a whole new person through a text.
• Realize that when a phone is off it doesn’t get the message until it is turned on…no one is ignoring you
• Realize that if you get a text response it is not always appropriate to call just because you know the person is near their phone
• Text back promptly…if it’s two days late please don’t bother
• Send friends positive messages of encouragement to uplift them
• Send “I love you” messages to friends, special friends, and family
• Understand that constant one word answers are a bad thing
• Play with a persons head in a text at first if they gave you their number and they don’t have yours, and then tell them who you are…but don’t keep who you are from them for weeks, that’s weird
• Hv faith tht ur frnz can read ur mssges wtht hvng all the vwls 2 save on mssgng spce

• Text the person you like 250 times a day about nothing! You’ll probably scare them
• Send everyone you know the chain text…its annoying and who wants to be threatened that they will die in the next hour if they don’t send out 10 texts…just don’t do it
• Argue over a text or while texting, its not worth it and can be costly
• Assume that everyone has unlimited texting…Hello we’re in a recession
• Ask a person to be your boyfriend or girlfriend over a text…we’re in college now
• Assume the person has your number and get upset when they text you back and ask who you are
• Text anyone if you are in a position to call them and talk
• Say I’ll call you back later and then send a text later
• Keep texting when a person says ttyl…except for any closing remarks that you may have
• Take texts personal…it’s not always how it sounds to you unless there is cursing and name calling involved
• Tell someone you love them for the first time over a text message
• Try to tell your life story over a text…it’s supposed to be used for short messages
• Text sweet caring things constantly to anyone if you aren’t receiving the same
• Constantly text people during a one on one date, even if they text you unless its life or death…you can do that at home on your own time…and it’s unbelievably rude.

Diana G.

I'm No Longer LOL-ing! TEXTING Is getting out of control!

Short messaging service (SMS) also known as text messaging or texting is a growing fad that people of all ages are adapting to throughout the world. In America alone, 40% of all mobile phone users utilize text messaging, and 80% of people ages 13-24 use texting as well as a form of communication. Many people use text messaging to cut down on talk time, to avoid awkward and nervous situations, to communicate in quiet places, or for numerous other reasons. However, is text messaging getting a little too popular around the world? Are we putting too much effort in cutting down communication and loosing valuable social benefits at the same time? My opinion is that text messaging is taking over and we are losing the value of verbal communication in the process because people don’t understand the limitations of texting.
When it comes to relationships and dating I am no professional however I do know that verbal communication is what drives the building of relationships whether they are with friends or with personal interests. I have gone through some bad text experiences and I am writing this article because I believe that I cannot be the only one with complaints regarding this epidemic. I mean, how many times have you sat and obsessed over a text message with friends endlessly trying to dissect what the person who sent the message was really trying to say. “Does he/she like me?”, “Is he/she mad at me?”, “What do you think he/she is trying to say?” and the list goes on. Messages are getting so short that they lack tone and complicate what are generally uncomplicated situations.
I’m not saying that using text messaging doesn’t have its very useful benefits, because in all actuality it does for many different things. For example it is easier to mass text a group of people in your campus club/organization that there is a meeting than call each person individually, it just saves time. But as a young woman, when it comes to getting to know a young man, the last thing I want to see is continuous texts flooding my digital screen from him. If this is the case it tells me that this thing is going nowhere and that I am obviously wasting my precious time and texts. It may sound crazy, maybe even a little taboo for this day and age but I enjoy hearing the voice of the person that I am getting to know. It just feels like the person in front of me or on the phone with me is present and that we are both focused on getting to know one another. What can truly be considered special about someone watching television, eating, talking on the phone, and then sending a late response to a message that you sent about an hour ago? Thank you so much for the kind and charming chivalry but no thanks.
While it is very sweet to receive a “good morning” text or a “hello, how is your day going?” text, a growing relationship should not be based heavily upon 160 characters or less per message, that’s just not fair or sensible. A call can speak volumes about who you are and shows me that you want to get to know me on a personal level. Nothing that technology can ever develop can ever be able to replace the shear natural ingredients it takes to connect with another individual verbally. Conversation is your way of inviting me into your soul, without that our getting to know each other is just another superficial reality show with no substance. So the next time you grab your phone and get your thumbs ready to go, remember that what may seem the easiest may be the most complicated way to go.

Diana G.


In many hip hop videos and other sources of entertainment, the image and body of black women undergo much exploitation for the sole purpose of producing capital gain. This act of exploitation has been going on for centuries and is becoming more and more accepted as a normal occurrence in our society.
In the literary piece “From Freak to Specimen; “The Hottentot Venus” and “The Ugliest Woman in the World”, a clear portrait of the way in which black women are objectified is developed. Sartje Baartman’s story within the text bears much oppression, and injustice. The cause of these things all derived from gender and racial discrimination that is still current factors in the way black women are currently treated.
In many magazines and forums around the country an issue that is very controversial and that has received much attention is the image of black women in hip-hop culture, and the entertainment industry in general. Many feel that the images of black women that are produced disrespect and demean black women, while others feel that it does little or no harm to the women of the black community. The harsh reality is that exploitation in our minds and culture is something that has began to be accepted.
In the text, white audiences put Sartje Baartman’s body on display as if she was an unknown creature. Many would agree that she was forced to be a part of such a horrific situation, giving right to the voluntary choices that many black women in the entertainment industry make today as a means of making profit. However, whether Sartje Baartman was forced or was voluntarily exploited for money does not change the matter that is at hand. The image of black women is being torn apart by the de-sensitivity of many black women, and the far extents that they will go to make a profit in this day and age. The article describes the white man’s intrigue with the black woman’s body as some sort of bestial desire. This form of desire influenced ill treatment and harm to be placed upon the black woman; stealing from her the very essence and pride of her womanhood.
Today it seems like many women have no self-pride. They tread the empty bounds of the lands looking for a fulfillment through their own destruction. Blindingly many black women have fallen into self slavery, a form of slavery that requires ones lack of self identity, to chain themselves to the strings of injustices that were placed upon black women centuries ago. If the image of black women is going to change, we as black women need to gain self-pride and understanding of our personal worth beyond any amount of money. A worth that can be found in building self respect, which will transfer to gaining respect from the hip hop culture and the entertainment industry as a whole.

*Visit this site for more information about Sarah Baartman:

Diana G.

So...Apparently Beyonce Really Is A DIVA LOL

During a stage performance at the Beautiful Beyonce's I AM Tour, she apparently fired someone who was handling her stage lighting. At first she yells lights and when the lights fail to come on this DIVA, while dancing, sings to the DIVA beat "somebody gettin fired!" HILARIOUS! Beyonce is too much, but we love her anyways! 
Check it out yourself

Diana G.

I LOVE THIS POEM! "Our Greatest Fear" By, Marianne Williamson

Check out this poem, it is one of the most inspirational pieces of literature I have read and it has
definitely kept me inspired! Hope You Enjoy!

The UC

Hey! Last year I started a video blog with a friend of mine from school called The UC. I would love for you to check it out and tell me what you think, we're still in the process of uploading all of our content and we will be adding some new videos soon. 
Tip for the Day: Don't let anything  or anyone stand in the way of your success, not even you!
*Be You. Be Blessed. Be Beautiful*

Diana G.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

Wow, when I heard the news about Michael I was shocked out of this world. I mean a legacy, a part of not only music but history is no longer with us. It's crazy that I thought for some odd reason that Michael Jackson would never die, as if he was this phenomena that would last forever. I think that's the scary part, everyone was so enthralled in Michael's life and his music that no one ever thought for one second, "hey this guy is human too". Contrary to the big fuss being made about Michael's passing, in his life people honestly treated Michael very bad, and why, he only did what he loved and tried to bring the world together. That's at least how I'll remember Michael, as a gentle soul trying to improve humanity and cultivate love. I hope through all the poster signings and the quotes on television that people will also see this. Michael was human and he is no longer with us, he will be forever remembered for his great talent and kind heart. He inspired, and truly changed music so much. 
*Whenever there is a death, it reminds me of the preciousness and shortness of life. Nothing is promised, and everything must live and die, the best thing we can do as mortals is cherish everyone and everything around us, love everyone, and live our lives to the best of our ability.

Diana G.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

It's 2009! Happy New Year! 

Since It's A New Year I Am Working Hard To Upgrade My Blogging Game.


Be You! Be Blessed! Be Beautiful!